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Fourmula One

 What is FOURmula ONE for Health?Fourmula_One_logo
Essential Road Map for reform FOURmula ONE for Health is the accomplishment structure for health sector reforms in the Philippines for the intermediate term covering 2005-2010. It is intended to apply serious health interventions as a single package, backed by efficient organization infrastructure and financing arrangements.
This article gives the road map on the way to attaining the planned health sector reform goals and objectives of FOURmula ONE for Health from the nationwide down to the local levels.
FOURmula ONE for Health employs the full health sector, as well as the public and private sectors, national agencies and local government units, external development agencies, and civil society to get concerned in the accomplishment of health reforms. It is a provocation to unite the communal race in opposition to disintegration of the health scheme of the country, against the inequity of healthcare and the miserly effects of ill-health. With a enthusiastic and united health sector, we can succeed the race towards healthier and a brighter future for generations to come.

Starting the Race with the End in Mind:
Fourmula One for Health Goals and Objectives
General Goals:
The execution of FOURmula ONE for Health is heading towards achieving the subsequent end goals, in consonance with the health system goals recognized by the World Health Organization, the Millennium Development Goals, and the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan:
* Better health outcomes;
* More responsive health system; and
* More equitable healthcare financing.
General Objective:
FOURmula ONE for Health is meant at achieving significant reforms through speed, precision and successful coordination directed at improving the quality, efficiency, effectiveness and equity of the Philippine health system in a manner that is felt and valued by Filipinos, particularly the poor.
Specific Objectives:

Fourmula One for Health will struggle, inside the medium term, to:
* Protect more, better and sustained financing for health;
* Guarantee the quality and affordability of health goods and services; 
* Ensure admission to and accessibility of necessary and fundamental health packages; and
* Advanced performance of the health system
Source: www.doh.gov.ph

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